Sunday, July 20, 2014

St. Andrews!

This is probably not the first post most people (mainly my family) were expecting after this weekend. For those of you who didn't already know, I went on a tour of the highlands this weekend. But I have to make sure things go chronologically here, so I have to talk about St. Andrews first. Stay tuned for the highlands post, because it should be awesome. Sneak preview: Harry Potter, fairies, liquor, and tons and tons of walking. So yeah. Be prepared.

Anyway, first things first. St. Andrews! It was absolutely beautiful. It is not a huge place, but it is a rich place. Meaning lots of rich people go there, so it looks like a lovely, rich, coastal town. Which it is. What attracts all the rich people, you might ask? Well if you didn't know, St. Andrews is the birthplace of golf. And yes, I say the "old course," which is the first golf course in existence I believe. So obviously I was very, very excited about this because I am a huge fan of golf...not. But it was still very cool, because I stood on the first golf course in existence. Which I'm not sure if I was really allowed to do that, but here in Scotland there are very, very few signs that tell you not to do things. So I went for it.

Obviously the whole golf thing was not the main attraction here. I was super excited about going to St. Andrews for the land yachting excursion. Sadly, it wasn't windy enough to go land yachting, which is essentially golf carts with sails. But instead we got to go paddle boarding! And I am super thankful that I actually have tried paddle boarding before this trip. I should not have told that to the guys running the excursion, because when we were on the water they tipped me in twice.

The fun things about paddle boarding? I got to experience a wet suit for the first time. Let me tell you, they are not easy things to put on. Second fun thing was the actual paddle boarding. The ocean was super flat, so that was nice. We went right up along the coast of St. Andrews, and the view was spectacular. It was the best view of the city anyone could ask for. We even got to see the castle and cathedral ruins, both of which were very, very cool. I just thing ruins are pretty awesome.

That was pretty much St. Andrews. I wish I could have spent more time there, but I could always go back if I wanted. Which I probably will, because there's a highland games being held there next weekend. And who doesn't want to see a bunch of Scottish men throwing logs around? Sounds like a great time to me. But stay tuned for the highlands post, which promises to be pretty awesome. Until next time...

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