Saturday, July 12, 2014

Scotland, Day 1!

Well it's official. I am now on a different island. In a different country. On a different continent. And it's pretty awesome so far. The whole getting here part almost proved to be a disaster - thank you flight delays - but I made it. Cut it super close, but I made it. The first flight I was on - the delayed one, that almost cost me a day of travelling - offered a lovely aerial view of New York's skyline on the way in, which was kind of sweet. The view coming into Edinburgh was not quite as awesome, as it was basically farm farm farm OH LOOK A LANDING STRIP farm farm farm. But it was still cool knowing I was in another country.

So far Scotland is pretty much exactly as I imagined it. Lo and behold, we were greeted by the rain as we walked out of the airport. Even as the rain stopped, the misty atmosphere stayed, which kinda gives the whole place an air of mystery. Which is what makes me think I chose the right place to study abroad. So many things to explore, so many unusual places to unearth. There are so many hills and so much green and as you drive along the highway - the condition of which are so much better than in America - you look around and just see so many castles. Almost every major hilltop seemed to have a castle on it, of which I cannot wait to see if I can get a closer look to take some pictures!

Today was just a super long day, with the travel and all. Made even longer by the fact that I only managed to get about 2 restless hours of dozing in on the plane. But that was to be expected I guess. Then we get to Stirling, and we have to sit around for hours until the welcome reception. I was told not to fall asleep when I got here, as it would only make getting around the time difference that much more difficult (thank you, Manda!) but those boring, long hours made it really difficult to stay awake. But I did it. I filled the time through some minor exploring, getting some cash out (which is in pounds, like England's currency) and getting to know my flat mates. Speaking of which, there are five of us that share a little flat, complete with one and a half baths, a very small kitchen, and a room to ourselves. I'm from Michigan, another girl is from upstate New York (she likes to specify), the other girl is from Madrid, Spain, one guy is from Alabama and the last guy is a complete mystery to me as I have not met him yet. But I think we should get along fairly well in our little apartment.

But yeah. There is so much I want to comment on but I am super tired at the moment, even though it is only 8 o'clock, 3 o'clock if I was still back at home. But it's been a long day so I think I deserve a little early relaxation time. Especially since tomorrow promises to be just as long! Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Did you realize you were only 10 miles from Carlo's Bakery? Abby is disappointed. ;-)
