Friday, August 8, 2014

One Day More

It is my last day here in Stirling. And I feel like it should feel special, but it really doesn't. Sure, I spent the morning trying to make everything fit in my bags - which it does so yay - but I don't feel like tonight is my last night in this tiny little room. But it is, and I am both happy and sad. Happy because this bed sucks, and sad because that means I have to leave Scotland.

To wrap everything up, the International School put on a farewell Ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee for some odd reason) for us. It was a lot of fun too. We all got moderately dressed up in our newly acquired tartan gear and went out to eat Scottish food and learn some Scottish dances. I'd comment more on the food, but I honestly have no idea what I actually ate last night. Though I'm pretty sure haggis was a part of it...but anyway. The dancing was a lot of fun. They had a live string group playing the music, and they taught us - or at least tried to teach us - how to do some traditional dances. To be honest, it kind of reminded me of a hoe down. We even dosey doed in part of one of the dances. We were all pretty bad and the dance floor was mass chaos, but we all had a great time trying.

There were also a couple competitions during the night. I actually won stuff! I won some shortbread for being the best dressed - using tartan that I bought. I also got runner up or second runner up or something in the small photo contest that the school put on. So yeah, I'm pretty awesome.

And that basically ended the trip. There's nothing too exciting happening here today, probably because everyone is frantically trying to fit all their stuff in a suitcase, much like I did earlier today. Now I officially have nothing left that I need to do. And that feels both awesome and scary. Awesome, because I can do whatever I want to celebrate my last day here. Scary, because I don't know what to do now that I have nothing to do. So I've just been sitting here, wondering what to do. I'll probably go say goodbye to Stirling at some point, because I have to visit the town at least once more. I could get some afternoon tea! One thing I found strange about Scotland was the lack of tea. Unlike England, Scots drink much more coffee than tea. I just find that interesting because everyone assumes all of the UK are enormous tea drinkers. But not Scotland! They just have to be different...

So yeah. There it is. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day of traveling, but I'm ready for it. Besides the whole waking up at 4 in the morning thing...but I'll get over it. Because I'll be heading home, heading towards a land of good pizza...and that's very exciting. Until next time...

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