Thursday, February 27, 2014


Hey there. So I'm new to this whole blogging thing, so I'm not really sure what to talk about. I guess I'll just start with the basics and see where I go from there. I am currently studying at Central Michigan University, and I have a very unique combination of majors. I am a triple major in Biochemistry, Saxophone performance, and Psychology. Why? Mostly because I can. As you can see, I'm interested in many different things and am always eager to learn. The reason I started this blog is because this summer, I will be going abroad to study in Scotland! Which is super exciting, and I wanted a way to be able to record my stories for those back home to see. So yeah. Here it is!

What else about me...I love animals, especially cats. Back at home, my family has four cats. We started out with only two, but then we decided to "foster" a black cat who needed a home, and of course we couldn't let him go. Our fourth cat came to us this summer, when my friend called me. I work at a thrift store connected to our local humane society, so she called me when she found a tiny kitten out by our local Goodwill store. He didn't have any eyes and obviously needed someone to care for him, so we took him in. And of course, he stayed too. I come from a family of five, so we almost have a perfect cat-to-human ratio. We'll get there soon. I have three sisters, of which I am the middle child. I get the best of both worlds, being both an older and a younger sibling. Yay!

So there it is. My first blog post. How exciting! I plan to share my everyday adventures here too, since my life needs something to keep it interesting, right? Until next time...